Alleys of Seattle

World Cup Alley 2

Posted in Pioneer Square by seattlealleys on June 12, 2010

In an amazing feat of temporary permitting, culture, and a big screen, Alley World Cup game 1 brought nearly 130 people into Nord Alley late this morning.  This is the most people I’ve ever seen in an alley in Seattle at one time.  Chairs were out, food was brought in from local vendors and restaurants and an apparently solid moment of civic space took place.  These games will be played all week at 11:30, come check it out.  This is Seattle alley urbanism at its best.  I heard some great quips as the game ended specifically one gentleman saying, “this was awesome, and I didn’t even get murdered in the alley!’.  This is a fantastic step towards changing the collective perception of the potential of these spaces.

World Cup Alley

Posted in Pioneer Square by seattlealleys on June 10, 2010

Make sure to come down to the Nord Alley in Pioneer Square this weekend to kick off the World Cup with the UK vs. USA at 11:30. A group of organizations spearheaded by Todd Vogel and the International Sustainability Institute have come together to create another fantastic event to catalyze use of the alley and Pioneer Square in general.  They have worked together with various cultural organizations representing the various countries playing in the cup to have food vending areas during the games.  This event is free and it looks like the weather will be perfect this weekend.  For a schedule of all the games and more information please visit