Alleys of Seattle

Tight Urbanism at 2012 Seattle Design Festival

Posted in Uncategorized by seattlealleys on October 5, 2012

The Seattle Design Festival was an honor to take part in.  It was fantastic to see all the different design community members gathered in one place in the city, activating it, and attracting so much interest.  This type of pop-up urbanism is what this city, and many others need.  An event, while requiring planning, does not need the capital, bureaucratic process, and vision that a building needs and thus creates a unique type of community and urbanity that can build momentum for a neighborhood, block, or alley.

The pallet displays lived their life and served their purpose and were recycled after this exhibit, it’s fourth in the city after Belltown, Pioneer Square, and the International Distrixt.  The boards are still available and in fine condition if you have an alley party or community meeting you wish to use them at, please let me know.  Thank you to all who showed up at the Design Festival, and the friends who helped me put this all together.

Also, if you didnt’ catch the interview earlier this year, The Atlantic Cities blog featured a brief article on my work and views on alleys, check it out here.