Alleys of Seattle

Tight Urbanism: the film

Posted in Uncategorized by seattlealleys on May 16, 2011

Let me know if you’d like the whole hour and fifteen minute long movie and I would be happy to make the file available to you.

Tight Urbanism exhibit opening at AIA Seattle

Posted in Uncategorized by seattlealleys on May 15, 2011
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Tight Urbanism, a set by camerarchitect on Flickr.

Thank you to everyone who came to the opening of Tight Urbanism at AIA Seattle this last Wednesday.  Thank you as well to those that sponsored, advised, and helped with this whole study.  I would like to thank the AIA Fellows’ Committee for allowing me this great adventure.  The exhibit will run until July 1st at the AIA gallery in Belltown from 10-5 weekdays.  If you would like a private tour, please let me know ahead of time and I will block out times throughout the day.

Additionally, the exhibit will move to Maynard Alley behind the Wing Luke Asian Art Museum for an alley party in early July.  I will be leading a walking tour Saturday, June 25th in conjunction with the gallery exhibit that you can buy tickets for through the Seattle Architectural Foundation here.

Thank you to Richard Tran, a friend of mine, for taking fantastic photos of the exhibit opening Wednesday.  I would also like to thank people that came through Firehouse Alley last First Thursday to see what we were up to!  There are a few more alley parties and activities that will take place in Pioneer Square alleys this summer.  Stay tuned here and on the tweet feeds to the right for when and where they will be.

I have consolidated my travel sketches, photos, and writing into a little book titled Tight Urbanism that I will be selling on here  on the next post.

Thank you again everyone for the opportunity and support with this work.

– Daniel Toole