Alleys of Seattle

New York Times article

Posted in Uncategorized by seattlealleys on July 20, 2013

Daniel Toole

My campaign to fund my time at Harvard will be featured in today’s issue of the New York Times in the finance section.  It’s incredible what an adventuresome idea can lead to.  The alleys were a similar story.

Pick up a copy – this endeavor is an interesting alternative to student loans and should prove to be an interesting experiment.


Pave Campaign

Posted in Uncategorized by seattlealleys on July 11, 2013

Hello everyone, recently I was accepted into the Master’s of Urban Design program at Harvard and will be moving to Boston in August. I recently was accepted as a campaign on the crowd-funding site, which is like Kickstarter – but for people pursuing education and other types of investment. The return rate is 7 percent of my salary over the decade following my graduation from Harvard. I have raised nearly $10,000 of my $30,000 goal and would like to present my campaign to you all via my alley network. Check out my campaign here Please message me if you can think of possible investors, or are personally interested. Thank you.

Stay tuned for thought on Italian urbanism coming next!